The same week that we talked about slavery and famine in the Horn of Africa two cool things happened.
One: These kids raised the money to FREE A SLAVE!
Two: I got an email about 30 Hour Famine in the Horn of Africa!
These kids are really cool and wanting to raise money to feed children and families who are hungry! It's about being His hands and Feet. He fed the hungry & He told us that if we feed the hungry it's as if we are feeding Him!
Hunger Facts
Every 8-12 seconds a child dies from hunger related issues. Come on, just take 10 seconds and count.
It's a little overwhelming to think about, right?
That’s as many as 11,000 children younger than 5 — killed every day. Some actually starve. The immune systems of others are powered down by malnutrition, leaving the door wide open for deadly diseases.
And hunger is only one threat facing kids. In all, more than 22,000 die every day — almost all of them from simple causes with existing cures: diarrhea, malaria, pneumonia, hunger, and more. That’s the real injustice — that the vast majority of these deaths are 100% preventable.
(see link below for more hunger facts) (1)
Kingdom Prayers
The awesome part is that we can do something about it! Like Elizabeth prayed in class, "God send spiritual rain." Just as our prayers can bring revival to these countries, our money can provide food for these families to live giving them time to come to know the love of God!
The Way it Works
Every year, hundreds of thousands of students do the Famine. They go without food for 30 hours. They learn what it takes to overcome hunger. And they raise funds to help feed hungry children and families around they world. They refuse to be told they can’t make a difference.
Every $30 raised by your group can help feed and care for a child for a month. And because the Famine is powered by World Vision, you’re not just feeding kids for today — you’re helping them and their families overcome poverty for a lifetime. (2)
Every $30 raised by your group can help feed and care for a child for a month. And because the Famine is powered by World Vision, you’re not just feeding kids for today — you’re helping them and their families overcome poverty for a lifetime. (2)
The Short of It
We select a country. Register our group. Set a fundraising goal. World Vision provides us with all of the resources for FREE. Yes, that's GRATIS! The 30 Hour Famine is held February 24-25, 2012. Between now and then we will be working to meet our goal! The day of the Famine will be filled with activities. (more information for parents below)
First Task
Vote for a country! There is a limited selection of countries for two reasons. "First, World Vision has been awarded a number of U.S. government grants in many of these countries, so your dollars have a much greater impact there. In a specific country, for example, every dollar World Vision raises could be matched by five dollars of agricultural support from the U.S. government. Second, many of the countries you can choose have well-established projects with a good communication stream — which allows us to share in greater detail about how your funds are making a difference." (3)
So, we have talked about it, prayed about, and we are doing this! We are joining with World Vision for the 2012 30 Hour Famine! Now, we just need to choose a country to send our funds! Please vote for where you think we should send our funds & prayers during the next few months! Let's get to work!
More Information
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